The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 'Responsible consumption and production' calls for action on all fronts: adoption of sustainable practices by businesses, promotion of sustainable procurem
In 2019 English was the most commonly studied foreign language at upper secondary general education level in the EU, with 96% of students learning it.
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 'Gender equality' aims to end all forms of discrimination, violence, and any harmful practices against women and girls.
In August 2021, the number of commercial flights in the EU increased by 48% compared with August 2020. This is still well below the pre-pandemic levels (-31% compared with August 2019).
In Q2 2020, the EU’s largest trade partner in goods was China, overtaking the United States.
In 2019, there were 2.0 million teachers (85% women, 15% men) and 24.5 million pupils at the primary education level in the EU Member States.
In 2020, in the EU, 9 in 10 people aged 15-19 years were still in education (89.5%).
In July 2021, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 7.6%, down from 7.8% in June 2021 and from 8.4% in July 2020. The EU unemployment rate was 6.9% in July 2021, dow
In 2019, the EU Member States’ general government expenditure on defence amounted to €168.5 billion, representing 2.6% of total general government expenditure.
In 2020, the tourism industry suffered from the COVID-19 outbreak: the number of nights spent at EU tourist accommodation establishments dropped by 52% in 2020 compared with 2019.